Dear friends, thank you so much for your financial support.
At this stage a major needs assessment is underway. Many needs are currently being met directly with donated food, clothing, bedding, cleaning materials and accommodation. However the time is quickly (in the next day or so) approaching when cash will be needed to purchase goods and services to assist those affected by the flooding with the tools for the clean-up crews, replacing essential household items to name just a few of the current needs. We will be providing weekly updates on progress. In three weeks we will be in a position to provide a report showing how donated funds were spent. Thank you for being with us on this one.
The Legal Entity who will receive your donations is Global Hope Missions Charity number: CC56949, GST number: 130 – 201 601.
The ARK Collective Project HQ based in the old Wesley Primary School buildings 24 Potter Avenue Mt Roskill is where it is all happening. Donations are being received at the ARK HQ, and food and other goods are being distributed from the site.
Our Bank Account is: Global Hope Missions 38 – 9020 – 0719144 – 01
In the “For Your Payee” please complete the following
Particulars “Your Name” Code “ARK” Reference “Flood”
If you want a receipt please email – and include the details you entered in to the “For your Payee” including the $ amount and we will issue you with a receipt.
Thank you again
The ARK Team and residents in Mt Roskill who are benefiting from your support.